


Scope and Development Anthropology
Anthropology is a science which studies human
man (anthropos).
Etymologically, anthropology originated from
word anthropos meaning human and logos means science.
Anthropology see man as something
complex in terms of physical, emotional, social, and cultural.
Anthropology often referred to as the science of human
and culture.
Anthropology began to be known by many as a science
after the convening of the International symposium
Symposium on Anthropology in 1951, which was attended by
more than 60 characters anthropology from countries in the region
Euro-American and the Soviet Union.
The symposium produced a book
anthropology titled "Anthropology Today" is on the editorial
by A.R. Kroeber (1953), "An Appraisal of Anthropology
Today "is on the editorial by S.
Tax, et al. (1954), "Yearbook of
Anthropology "which in the editorial by W.L. Thomas Jr.. (1955), and
"Current Anthropology" that the editorial by WL Thomas Jr..
(1956). After the symposium, in some developing regions
thoughts of theoretical anthropology,
whereas in other areas of anthropology developed in the
level of practical functions.
Judging from the development, history of anthropology can be divided
into five phases, namely the first phase is characterized by material-
material description tribes written by travelers,
explorers and colonial governments. The second phase, until phase
The fourth is a sequel in which anthropology
growing both covers theory and methods
studies. The fifth phase is the latest stage of the
shows the development of anthropology after 1970 -
According Kontjaraningrat, anthropology in Indonesia is almost no
bound by tradition and not have any anthropology
strong tradition. Therefore, the selection and combination of
several elements or streams can be selected in accordance with
needs of the problems facing society.

Branches of Science Anthropology and Its Relationship to Social Science
The scope of anthropology and the study focused on five
issues below, namely:
. problem of the origin and development of human history visits
of body traits in evolution considered from
In terms of biology;
. problems of various kinds of human history from
terms of physical attributes.
. problem of development, deployment, and the occurrence
diverse cultures in the world;
. problem of historical origin, development, and deployment
various languages ​​around the world;
. issues about the principles of human culture in
life of ethnic communities in the world.
Based on the classification problem, the science of anthropology
divided into five disciplines, namely:
. Paleoanthropology
. Physical Anthropology
Both are better known as Physical Anthropology in the sense
. Prehistoric
. Etnolinguistik
. Ethnology
The last third is widely known as
Cultural Anthropology or Social Anthropology.
Specialization that occurs in the field of anthropology
possibility of cooperation between fields of science, namely
anthropology and other fields. Sociology became one of the fields
sciences most closely with anthropology as it is considered
many similarities. At some universities both science
been merged into one department alone is majoring
anthropology-sociology-anthropology or sociology. Linking
between anthropology with several other disciplines, in
Among these are the administrative sciences, Political Science, Science
History, and psychology.

Evolution and development

Theory of Evolution and Anthropology
Discipline of anthropology to get a place as one of
science after applying theories, concepts, and
method as developed by the science
natural sciences. One theory is the theory that borrowed
evolution of biological disciplines. Darwin's evolutionism Thought
states that all life forms and types
living things that exist on earth experience the process
evolution. This evolution of thought is applied to describe
and analyze the processes of socio-cultural evolution
community. One is thinking of Herbert Spencer,
one of the leading evolutionists who argue that
development of society and culture of each nation in
the world has or will go through stages of evolution the same
(Universal evolution).

Theory of Evolution and Anthropology Today

Multi-linear evolution of thought emerged against the backdrop of
the fact that the unilinear evolutionary thought, when
faced with ethnographic materials that are, in the case-
certain cases it is not universally applicable. Relative
with this fact it is developing the core concept
culture to explain the specific lines
developments in the community or community groups.
Main ideas of a multi-linear theory of evolution is that for
culture that has a core culture that more or less
same will evolve following a series of evolutionary
the same although differing in specific details.
In order to explain the origin of the variety
human societies and cultures around the world,
known other than the evolutionary theory is also known existence theory
diffusion. According difusionisme thought, human culture is
base is one and at a certain place, namely
when humans had just appeared in the world. Then
The parent culture evolved and spread
in many cultures due to the influence of new
environment, nature, and time.
Darwinism thoughts and ideas of evolutionism in
eventually develops that gives rise to
thinking of neo-Darwinism and neo-evolutionism. Neo-
Darwinism argues that society and culture
humans are extensions (coming) from animal creature
the human form - that evolve. Meanwhile, on the other
the neo-evolutionism argue that evolution is not
should always be defined or equated with progress, such as
from simple to complex conditions. The second difference
This shows what the real thinking man, and
differences with the other creatures.

THEORY structuralism and its development

Functionalism and Structural-Functionalism
In analyzing society and culture of mankind,
one approach is the approach used
functionalism and structural functionalism. This approach
emerged based on the premise that human beings throughout
his life is influenced by the thinking and actions of others in
surroundings, so that humans are never one hundred percent
determine the choice of actions, attitudes, or behavior without
consider others.
Functionalism theory developed by Bronislaw Malinowski,
a lot of influence from psychology. He
developed the theory of functions of culture, through kajiannnya
a very famous kula system in the community
Trobiand. Based on the studies he concluded that
every element of culture has a social function of
elements of other cultures.
On the other hand, Radcliffe-Brown in studying social phenomena
in the community offers the concept of social structure.
He said the community is a social system that has
structures such as molecules or organisms. Studies
using the concept of social structure is also performed by
Raymond Firth, Evans-Pritchard, and Fortes.

Structuralism: Critique and Development
Claude Levi Strauss is the figure of the theory of structuralism.
Donations of the best known of Levi Staruss is
thoughts on the theory of opposition twinkle. In order
This theory explains the twinkle opposition, he investigated the problem in terms
three culinary namely the study of food. Besides Levi Strauss
also interested in issues of kinship and reviewing
problem of exchange in kinship systems.
In its development was a structural approach
functional is considered adequate to use for
examines modern society. Therefore it appears
social network approach, which is considered more capable
explain social phenomena that exist in society. Analysis
This emphasis on social networking situational analysis, where
social action, behavior, and attitude of a man is considered
can not escape the influence of the environment.
In order to explain the importance of the concept of social networking,
experts distinguish between the use of social networking ideas
merely metaphorical and as an analytical concept. In
reality of life, the network is very complex social relationships
and overlap or intersect. For that
then distinguished between the total network with partial network.
Meanwhile, when viewed from the objective social relations
form a social network is divided into network
interest, sentiment networks, and network power.


Definition, Concepts and Techniques
Ethnography is a method commonly used in research
anthropology. This requires doing ethnographic research
field research in which researchers act as
who are studying a culture. In doing
ethnographic research, researchers must master well
concepts and techniques that will be used. In
addition to obtaining objective data, the researcher
must live in the communities examined.
In the period of study of classical anthropology, ethnographic methods
used to examine the simple people. But
ethnographic method has undergone great evolution, in which
contemporary ethnographic methods can also be applied to investigate
complex society. In examining a complex community,
Researchers will begin by taking one or more
culture scene as a focus of study. In addition, research
in complex societies also began using the technique
other research techniques such as survey techniques. Meanwhile
social network analysis techniques commonly used to examine
complex society in order to describe patterns

Ethnographic Research in Complex Society
Complex society is a society that has
characteristics of open, large and tend to be heterogeneous. With
Thus, culture is a complex society
represent the viewpoint of total life of its citizens. Culture
is a complex society groups
cultures that overlap. For that in
examines culture in a complex society we must
specify one or more culture scene as the focus
Collecting research data in a complex society than
using ethnographic methods are also used survey techniques
to get an overview of the subject
examined. In addition, research on complex societies
also using social network analysis methods. Analysis
social network itself is used to describe the pattern-
pattern of relationship between one person or party with someone
or other parties. Social network analysis conducted
by determining the alpha as a central point of the network
which then widened to the alters.


Definition and Characteristics of Culture
There are two approaches in studying the culture of
ideational approach and behaviorism approach. Second
This approach of looking at culture through the lens
different. See culture as an ideational approach
cognitive system, while behaviorism approach see
culture as an adaptive system. Both of these approaches
spawned a cultural sense, as
put forward by experts. Through these two approaches
the culture form can be viewed as a system of ideas /
the idea, system behaviors, and artifacts.
Meanwhile, in seeing and understanding our culture
must refer to a number of cultural characteristics.
Cultural characteristics are, among others that
culture is shared, acquired through learning,
symbolic, be adaptive and maladapti, are relative
and universal.

Seven Elements of Culture Universal
Every culture everywhere will contain elements
culture which consists of seven elements, namely the system
knowledge (cognitive), kinship systems and technology
equipment life, religion, livelihood systems of life,
language and the arts. Between one and other elements will be mutually
regard can not stand alone.
The contents of each element will differ between cultures
cultures from one another. This is influenced by
various factors, including geographical factors. Any content of the
element of culture is not static but will change
according to the needs and adaptive process that
required. Because basically the function of culture
facilitate human life.
In addition there are some aspects of culture, namely
cultural integration, cultural focus, and cultural ethos.
Aspects of this culture also explains to us
how form and function of the cultural community

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